15 de maig 2009



En ell es pot veure el procés següent: Es tracta d'una gravació en què es veu com als animals se'ls hi treu la pell mentre estan vius, perquè diuen que així el tall és més perfecte.
Després d'això els cossos s'apilen, i els animals continuen vius al voltant de 10 minuts més, es pot veure com bateguen els seus cors!
No cal que visualitzem el video, però peta ens demana que a través del nostre correu electrònic reenviem el missatge que a teniu transcrit tot seguit, amb un número 1 i el vostre nom i cognoms (per numerar les persones que s'hi subscriuen a la queixa), a la persona que li arribi el missatge i sigui la número 500 a apuntar els seu nom haurà de reenviar-lo a:

"Please sign, don't watch the video its just too painful but we have to try and stop this brutality. It's about animal rights. But if you must watch there is a link below. http://www.peta.org/feat/ChineseFurFarms/index.asp I will explain the process below:With a hidden camera, animals were filmed being SKINNED ALIVE!!! They say it's done to get a more perfect ''cut''. Afterwards the carcasses are tossed into a pile, still alive, and for up to 10 minutes you can see their hearts still beating, in agony, their eyes still blinking, and the puppies little paws still shaking. There was one pup, that still lifted his head and gazed at the camera with bloodied eyes . If you don't care to see the video, please sign and forward to your friends:this monstrosity has to be stopped, we have to act!! Please scroll down and add your signature to the petition and send to everyone in your address book. Do not click on the link, you have been warned that it is too gruesome to watch and something needs to done to stop it.....Thanks for your support.There is no need to see the video, but if you must, be aware, it's horrible. The following video is of excruciating violence. It's painful silence affects us all deeply. If we don't protect animals fromthis type of brutality, we become accomplices.When the list reaches 500 names, please forward to:PETA2@peta.org"

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Protectora d'Animals Lydia Argiles