9 de maig 2009


El Secretari d'Interior d'EEUU, Salazar, vol rescindir les lleis de Bush, i eliminar la protección als ossos polars.
Cal enviar-ho avui mateix, el 9 de maig, o passarà el termini d'aplicació de les mesures aprovades pl Congrés i signades per Obama.
"Recently Congress passed -- and President Obama signed into law -- a bill giving Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar the authority to immediately rescind Bush administration regulations that eliminate essential protections for the polar bear under the Endangered Species Act. Under the bill, if Salazar doesn't withdraw the Bush regulations by May 9, the regulations stay in effect and the polar bear is deprived of the legal protections it needs to survive.Secretary Salazar must act immediately, or we'll lose this precious opportunity to instantly remedy one of Bush's worst environmental attacks. Please contact Salazar and demand that he immediately rescind the Bush regulations harming the polar bear. The petition is located"

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Protectora d'Animals Lydia Argiles